Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Just Another Day


1) clean
155 X2

2) OHS

3) 25 KB swing, 1.5 pood
10 Curtis P's , 95
4 rounds : 14:20

Notes: Another Crossfit SB clinic, this time it was olympic lifts. Everyone knows that I need the help. I gleamed on nugget. On the clean, I need to stay on my heels and keep pulling back. Overall, it was not inspiring because no one else went heavy. The OHS were good practice. It is very strange going heavy for high reps. Another thing to learn before my challenge. First time with Curtis P's. Good stuff.


Matthew J. Crossley said...

Is it wise to go heavy when technique is terrible? I realize there is a tradeoff between intensity and technique... but where's the line?

Brian said...

in general, it depends on what level of technique is present. if a person has technique that will lead to injury, they should not go heavy. if a person has technique that is less than perfect, they should try to fix it at lower/warmup weights but still put up heavy weights. 1 rep maxes are important in all lifts for both physical and mental development. Time is short for all. GET STRONG!

you in particular need to go heavy more often.