Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Forgetting to Disengage the Emergency Brake


800m X 1 (2:40), rest 5:00
400m X 2 (1:18, 1:21), rest 1:1
200m X 2 (:38, :41), rest 1:1
100 X 1 (:18)

Notes: The poor air quality from Gap Fire has finally improved enough to resume outdoor training. It felt like I forgot to disengage the emergency brake and I was wearing a 20lb vest. I suck at running. Part of the problem was my "warm-up", which including jumping rope. Jumping rope is suppose to make you more athletic, i.e. improve coordination, agility, balance, blah, blah, blah. If is not part of challenge I need to stop doing it. I am banning myself from jumping rope and air squats until after my challenge. I had planed on more 100m sprints but my left knee became unstable. I tore my meniscus 5 years ago mountain biking. The muscles around my knee make up for the slack but when they get tired my knee becomes unstable. Time to stop training for the day. I have been overtraining lately but I am hoping for some Supercompensation .

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