Friday, February 29, 2008


Goals are important relative to the starting point.

Goals/Current Personal Record & Date

25 pistols each leg / 25 pistols left 10/23/07, 32 pistols right 7/7/07
350 lb back squat / 345 lb back squat 10/23/07
60 ring push ups / 33 ring push ups 8/18/07
262.5 lb bench press / 245 lb bench press 10/23/07
20 ft rope climb, 2 trips touch and go, no feet / N/A
15 X 175lb overhead squat / N/A
100 X 35lb X 2 dumbbell clean and jerk in 10 minutes /N/A
400m run in 1:04 minutes / 400m run in 1:16 minutes
437.5 lb dead lift / 400 lb dead lift 1/13/08
175 lb shoulder press /160 lb shoulder press 8/8/07
10 handstand push ups / N/A
262.5 lb clean /175 lb clean 3/20/07
15 second front lever / N/A
131.5 lb sandbag carry 1 mile / N/A
800 m run in 2:20 minutes / 800 m run in 2:50 minutes
500 m row in 1:25 minutes / 500 m row in 1:37minutes
30 inch vertical jump / N/A
50 ring dips / 20 ring dips 4/15/07
175 lb bar dip /130 lb bar dip 10/23/07
40 dead hang bar pull ups / 25 dead hang bar pull ups 6/10/07
175 lb bar pull up /135 lb bar pull up 2/12/08
15 ring muscle ups / 7 ring muscle ups 2/5/08
1:30 minute L-sit / N/A
6K row in 20:00 minutes /5K row in 20:40 minutes 12/5/05
218.75 lb snatch / 135 lb snatch 11/14/07
"Mary" - 10 handstand push ups, 10 pistols, & 15 pull ups X 15 in 20 minutes / N/A
1600m run in 5 minutes / 6:35 8/23/06

First, I need to establish a baseline on all exercises. Second, my olympic lifts need to go way up (clean + 87.5 lb, snatch +83.75 lb).

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Accumulation Day

It is fitting the first official training session is an accumulation* workout.

1. a couple of ring muscle ups
a bunch of ring dips
2. weighted pull ups 90lbs 5X3, rest as needed
3. Overhead Squat (OHS) 135lbs 5X5, rest 1:00 minute between sets
4. Dumbbell (DB) bench & Bulgarian split squats 70lbsX2 5X5, rest as needed but keep moving
5. row 250m X 5, rest 1:00 minute between sets (55s, 54s, 54s, 54s, 56s)

1. Epsom salt bath
2. Guinness
3. Hanging out with a cute girl

Enjoyed consecutively (would have been better concurrently).

* A series of short, hard workouts combined to make a whole session. Adequate rest between segments allows for high intensity to be attained and maintained during successive efforts.

Starting point

My birthday is long ways off, August 8, but I want to do something worthy of a Birthday Challenge. I am obsessed with CrossFit. Crossfit's motto is "Forging Elite Fitness." What is elite fitness?

One definition: Elite

Typically, the skills are tested over the course of an entire month. My Birthday Challenge is testing all the skills in one day.

Here it is:
25 pistols each leg
350 lb back squat
60 ring push ups
262.5 lb bench press
20 ft rope climb, 2 trips touch and go, no feet
15 X 175lb overhead squat
100 X 35lb X 2 dumbbell clean and jerk in 10 minutes
400m run in 1:04 minutes
437.5 lb dead lift
175 lb shoulder press
10 handstand push ups
262.5 lb clean
15 second front lever
131.5 lb sandbag carry 1 mile
800 m run in 2:20 minutes
500 m row in 1:25 minutes
30 inch vertical jump
50 ring dips
175 lb bar dip
40 dead hang bar pull ups
175 lb bar pull up
15 ring muscle ups
1:30 minute L-sit
6K row in 20:00 minutes
218.75 lb snatch
"Mary" - 10 handstand push ups, 10 pistols, & 15 pull ups X 15 in 20 minutes
1600m run in 5 minutes

I am not going to lie, I am a little scared already.