Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Training Hard and Smart

1) max muscle-ups, 10*

2) front lever for time, 7 seconds

3) dead-stop front squats, triples, 135, 185, 195, 205

4) 250m row (:45, :47,:48,:48,:49)
rest 1:30
5 rounds
* PR-By 3

Notes: The muscle-ups felt smooth. The front lever felt/looked like crap but was my longest. I couldn't find my balance point or hollow position. Dead stop front squats are another great transfer exercise for Olympic lifting. I was planning to man up and go for 210, but lost the rack. They rank #3 on the list of most unpleasant barbell activities. Here is the list:

#1 Squats @ bodyweight, max reps, 20+: Advanced, 50+ : Elite or masochist

#2 Jumping squats @45 lbs, max reps in 1 minute, 1st rule: must break parallel, 2nd rule : feet must leave the ground, 40-50 : You're good, 50+: You're GOD.

#3 Dead stop front squats, triples : hard, 5X5 : you will not be walking out of the gym.

The row went well considering I decided to sell-out, go as fast as possible on every interval. Matt C. and I had a great conversation about fitness today. Part of it concerned the best way to play the game, aka get the highest score. Anyone that works out with me knows that I strategize very well. Rarely, do I sell-out. I do sell-out on new workouts. "Balls to the wall " is good frame of the mind to have access to but constant application flies in the face of smart training.

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