Wednesday, March 12, 2008

"Cross Training"

One of my events is 15 muscle ups (mu). On any given day I good for 6 or 7. Today I tried going for max weighted mu. Typically, stronger is better. If each individual mu is a lower percent of my max, it should be easier to do 15. I did a couple unweighted to warm up. Then I did +10 lbs and +20lbs very easy.It's all easy til it's heavy. For me that was +30lbs. I failed once without trying. Then I tried and got so very close.

My goal is +50lbs in 3 months. Then 15 will be "easy"

I was fooling around the rings and remembered than I never have done an L-sit for time. unfortunately, it was already after I did a long L-sit to warm-up. The second one, which was officially timed, was 40s. My goal is 1:30. That might appear to be a big difference. I am still putting it in the I-am-not-worried category because it was my first one and for the challenge it will be on the parallel bars.

About 30 seconds or 30 years in,
depending on official time or how it felt.

I finished up with 100 1-pood swings for time. 3:15 (previous PR 4:40).

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