Monday, May 19, 2008

Getting Weaker 101


DL singles
275, 315, 365, 405 (F), 365, 365

Notes: I thought I was having some bad workouts, but I think I am getting systematic weaker. My birthday challenge was to reach Crossfit's Elite Standards. To be elite in anything, it has be to your life. That is not the case. I love being in shape, but also love many other things. Time for a new Challenge?


Matthew J. Crossley said...

Spending a little too much time fluffing for low class porn? I think you should step it up. You are an intense athlete very capable of meeting your challenge. If you do change your challenge, find a way to make your goals consistent with your interests without sacrificing the discipline and intensity required to meet them. Maybe crank back the crossfit standards but add some rough climbing circuits.

Brian said...

too much time spent on climbing porn.

i was thinking about adding some climbing.